Want some recommendations for books on manifesting your dreams? Make sure to add these 10 books to your booklist.
There is so much information readily available if you want to learn about manifestation. If you’re like me, you love reading books – and especially books on manifesting your dreams.
These are the books I have read (except for one!) after hearing them being recommended by well-known and respected manifestation teachers and mindset coaches.
After reading these books on manifesting your dreams, you will have a much better understanding of the energetics of manifestation and how you can use it in your life to make your dreams come true!
This post is all about books on manifesting your dreams and learning about the energetics of manifestation.
10 Books On Manifesting Your Dreams
1. THE GREATEST SECRET by Rhonda Byrne
Where The Secret focussed on the law of attraction, this book dives below the surface and talks about awareness of self, understanding the power of feelings, and how to end negative feelings, as well as dissolving limiting beliefs.
“We’ve missed the simplest, most wonderful discovery because our thoughts have a hypnotic effect on us that keeps us in our head, oblivious to Awareness. We usually give our attention exculusively to the thoughts in our mind and to everything we perceive through our senses, and with our attention diverted we miss what is always present – Awareness”
This book combines science and ancient wisdom to explain how the mind works and how we can free ourselves from our past conditioning. This is one of my favourites because it grounds the ‘woo woo’ in the latest research in neuroscience, epigenetics and quantum physics.
“Since where you place your attention is where you place your energy, when you wake up in the morning and immediately start putting your attention on all the people you have to see that day, the places you have to go, the objects you own, and the things you have to do in the three-dimensional world, your energy becomes fractured…..It begs the question: how much energy do you have left in your inner world of thoughts and feelings to create a new reality?”
3. THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY IT by Florence Scovel Shinn
This book was published in 1925 and although it uses a lot of ‘God’ and religious language, the teachings are very relevant to manifestation today.
“Man recieves only that which he gives. The Game of Life is a game of boomerangs. Man’s thoughts, deeds and words, return to him sooner or later, with astounding accuracy”
Not surprisingly, this book explains how influential the subconscious mind is and provides practical techniques to harness the subconscious mind and change thought patterns for your greater good.
“You have a mind and you should learn how to use it. There are two levels of your mind – the conscious and rational level, and the subconscious or irrational level. You think with your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually think sinks down into your subconcious mind, which creates according to the nature of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions and is the creative mind….The main point to remember is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it”
5. OUTWITTING THE DEVIL by Napolean Hill
This is another ‘old’ book that was written in 1938 and was considered too controversial to be published back then. The format of the book is the author asking questions of the devil and forcing him to confess his secrets. The tools used by the Devil on mankind include fear, procrastination, and jealousy. The author also reveals the seven principles of good that we can use to counteract them.
“This much I do know – that there is a power or a first cause, or an Intelligence which permeates every atom of matter, and embraces every unit of energy perceptable to man; that this Infinite Intelligence converts acorns into oak trees, causes water to flow downhill in response to the law of gravity, follows night with day, and winter with summer, each maintaining its proper place and relationship to the other. This Intelligence may aid in transmuting one’s desires into concrete or material form. I have this knowledge because I have experimented with it and have experienced it”
6. THE UNTETHERED SOUL by Michael Singer
This is one of my all-time favourite books. Michael Singer is a spiritual teacher who found himself questioning the voice in his head while he was at college. You know the voice you hear that is constantly talking at you? Turns out – this voice is not our true self. This book gives a method to freedom from habitual thoughts and emotions, and also discusses energy patterns within the body.
“The spiritual journey is one of constant transformation. In order to grow, you must give up the struggle to remain the same, and learn to embrace change at all times. One of the most important areas requiring change is how we solve our personal problems. We normally attempt to solve our inner disturbances by protecting ourselves. Real transformation begins when you embrace your problems as agents for growth”
7. SUPER ATTRACTOR by Gabrielle Bernstein
I will be honest and admit that I haven’t read this one yet. The following text is taken from the back cover: This book is a journey of remembering where your true power lies. You’ll learn how to co-create the life you want. You’ll accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don’t have to work hard to get what you want. Most importantly, you’ll feel good. And when you feel good, you give off a presence of joy that elevates everyone around you.
“….pushing is one of the greatest blocks to being a Super Attractor. Being a Super Attractor is about strengthening your faith, tuning into the energy of love, and allowing the Universe to catch up with your dreams”
8. MAKE IT HAPPEN by Jordanna Levin
This is a fun read by Australian author Jordanna Levin. She realised that she was manifesting some disasters in her life and decided that if she could manifest disasters, she could also manifest the things she wanted. She provides the Manifestation Equation, which is Thoughts + Feelings + Actions + Faith = Successful Manifestation.
“It has come to my attention that this area – the power of our thoughts on manifestation – is where the distinction has not been made clear in past manifestation teachings. Your thoughts (BUT not ALL of your thoughts) are incredibly powerful, and when used correctly they do have the ability to shape your reality. But it requires a hell of a lot more than just thinking the thoughts for the manifestation to happen. Which is a relief”
9. IT’S NOT YOUR MONEY by Tosha Silver
This book, as the title obviously states, talks about financial abundance and offers an eight week process so you can learn how to heal feelings of unworthiness and allow yourself to fully receive the energy of abundance.
“Ironically, many of the financial beliefs that tyrannize us are not even our own. For example, we might hold some that our mom felt while we were in utero. We absorb these through a kind of ozmosis, and they form psychic cords that hold us captive. These “ties that bind” can leave us feeling entangled and powerless”
10. THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho
There is so much wisdom in this book! It is a beautiful and inspiring fictional book that tells the story of a young shepherd on a journey in search of treasure. The message it shares is to follow your heart’s desires and that failure WILL happen, but there are lessons in failing – lessons that help us to grow.
“Before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this not because it is evil, but so that we can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we’ve learned as we’ve moved toward that dream. That’s the point at which most people give up. It’s the point at which, as we say in the language of the desert, one ‘dies of thirst just when the palm trees have appeared on the horizon'”